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BOHYNE a zenska spiritualita
- ceske stranky
Bohyne.com: Forum - nase forum - vitejte do diskuze!
Esoterika rostlin - stranky ceske knezky Bohyne Diany, Morticie. Obsahuje informace o lunarni a rostlinne magii, bylinach planet, lekvarech, ritualech, kalendarium, o magickych kuridlech a o uceni Wyda

Dalsi zajimave ceske servery
Osud - duchovni rozcestnik a magazin - vyborny
Spirala - duchovni e-magazin - vyborny
Baraka - znamy cesky duchovni casopis
Jitrni zeme - pekne stranky Jiriho Holuba, z vetsi casti s duchovni tematikou. Fotoreportaze z nekolika akci, neobvykle texty ke stazeni, zajimave odkazy a dalsi. PANI LUNA. POEZIE PRO SAKTI. Zda se, ze Jiri je opravdovy cesky Kouretes! ( = Muz s laskou slouzici Bohyni.)
Argoni - manzelsky par Raven a Ariana Argoni a jejich knihy a fotografie na tema zivota a jeho magicke stranky
Klub Kore - mlade kulturne duchovni centrum v Praze s rostouci nabidkou programu. Nabizi take zenske skupiny - Tancici bohyne.
Intimnosti - Otazky a Odpovedi a dalsi interaktivni clanky osviceneho paru enky a Vladimira Volmovych. Temata - sexualita z taoistickeho a tantrickeho pohledu, zensky princip a vice. Na ceskem netu se tezko najdou vybrousenejsi puvodni texty!
Feminismus.cz - hlavni cesky feministicky server
Stranky Lukase Mizochy - Novodobá magie [záverecná filozofická práce]. Magie je definována jako umení delat zmeny pomocí vnejsí a nadprirozené síly. Vliv magie a její existence vubec spadají do hlubokého dávnoveku a de facto se vyskytovala [a vyskytuje] na celém svete. Díky tomu jsou na nasí planete rozsíreny rozmanité druhy magických systému. V této práci se budu zabývat pouze rozvojem tzv. západní magie a její postavení v moderním carodejnictví a neopohanství.

Ceske internetove obchody
Feministicke knihkupectvi
Stesticko - Duchovní a esotericky obchod online. Duchovní a esoterické knihy, casopisy a hudba, tarotové a jiné karty, doplnky do bytu, esence ad.
Neknihy - nakladatelstvi elektronickych knih mene znamych a o to zajimavejsich autoru
DUSEcz - Internetovy obchod pro vas duchovni rozvoj a osobni rust.
Knihy, Hudba, Kurzy, Psychowalkmany

BOHYNE a zenska spiritualita
- stranky v anglictine
(uvadim vetsinu odkazu v anglictine, protoze predpokladam, ze ti, kteri se o ne budou zajimat, anglicky rozumi. Pokud je stranka predevsim neverbalni - obrazkova - uvadim odkaz i v cestine)
Cesko-anglicky prekladac - (998 Kc,- na CD ROM) internetových stránek Eurotran Explorer 2000 je schopen prevést libovolnou anglicky psanou internetovou stránku do gramaticky upravené podoby v cetine pri plném zachování puvodního grafického vzhledu stránky.

Velmi inspirujici stranky z Glastonbury:
Goddess conference - Konference/ festival Bohyne (OBRAZKY!)
In Glastonbury, UK, 25 - 29/7/2001. Come celebrate the Mystery and Magic of the Virgin Goddess as Maiden, Lover, Mother, Queen and Crone. In Ceremonies, Adorations and Praise Songs we shall empower ourselves as women and men to be who we truly are - soul-filled, inspired, creative, still, wild and wise. With talks, workshops, beautiful Womanspirit exhibitions, performances, conversation, fun, stalls, music, song and dance.
Kathy Jones is a healer, writer, ritual dramatist, teacher, priestess, initiator and ceremonialist. She lives and works in Glastonbury and is co-founder of the Isle of Avalon Foundation, the Library of Avalon,
the Briget Healing Centre, the Goddess Conference, the Sanctuary at Glastonbury and the Glastonbury Goddess Temple. She is animateur of Ariadne Productions, a community-based theatre company
dedicated to ritual drama. Kathy is committed to the Goddess
in all her expressions and to the life of the Spirit manifest.
Goddess in Glastonbury - free online book - Doporucuji. (Obrazky)
A Goddess Temple in Glastonbury - Walking through the sacred landscapes of Avalon, Avebury and Stonehenge, of Brigit's (British) Isles, of Europe and America, we find ourselves bathed in the radiant energies of the Goddess's bounteous nature and it feels so good. Here we touch the lives of peoples who, thousands of years ago, lived in harmony with the Great Goddess, building stone, wood and earthen temples in the landscape to honour Her as Maiden, Lover, Mother and Crone, Giver and Sustainer of all Life, Creatrix, Transformer, Redeemer and Bringer of Death and Regeneration.
Goddess tours, pilgrimages and retreats - poradano Kathy Jones
A Priestess or Priest of Avalon - One year training for women and men. In the new millennium train with Kathy Jones, one of Glastonbury's Goddess-loving women, to become a Self-Initiated Priestess/Priest of Avalon, dedicated to love and serve the Goddess.
Successful participants will be Self-initiated through the empowerment of their own Soul to become Priestesses and Priests of Avalon.
Hegdewitch training - This five day Advanced Avalon Intt in Glastonbury, UK, demands conscious awareness of self as well as compassionate understanding of others. A Hedgewitch develops intimate relationships with the natural world, the elements and seasons, the moon and stars and the unseen world.
A Hedgewitch is someone who wishes to practice the Old Religion as a solitary practitioner. A Hedgewitch has an understanding of nature, divination, healing and Magic and offers him/herself in service to the Ancient Wisdom for the benefit of all life.

The Ritual of the Snake Goddess - article, from Mary Mackey's The Year the Horses Came:
Itesh was the largest city on Gira and certainly the largest Marrah had ever seen. From the sea it had looked like a handful of white stones tossed carelessly along the fertile banks of the Usha River. Its hundred or so houses were built of the same gray-white granite that cropped out of the hills and made the dry upland forests fit only for hunting and obsidian mining, but here the starkness of the stone had been transformed into cheerful urban chaos...
The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi - From the original Sumerian texts, translated by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer in Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth - her stories and her hymns from Sumer. Erotic, beautiful, and sweet love story and ritual of fertility and abundance.
The Great Rite - an excerpt from the Mists of Avalon, starring Arthur and Morgan La Fay in the title roles... Truly magical:
Nightfall; a moon nearly at full came dimly between the curtains of the litter. When the runners stopped, she felt it bathing her in cold light, like the kiss of the Goddess, and felt faint with the beginnings of ecstasy. She did not know where she was, nor did she care. She went where they led her, passive, blinded, tranced, knowing only that she went to meet her destiny.
Article. ...Although individual feminists in this country have long been concerned about the treatment of women in mainstream religions (see, for example, Stanton, 1895), the first contemporary indications of group challenges to mainstream religious misogyny appeared in the early 1970s. In 1972 in Los Angeles, the first coven of feminist witches which practiced "the Craft" as a religion began to meet under the guidance of Zsuzsanna Budapest. Within a few years, these witches were gathering with several hundred women in the mountains to celebrate their visions of female divinity in religious rituals...
Amythest - Witchcraft training online. Order of the Amythest Cauldron. This is a teaching virtual coven dedicated to assisting others in furthering their knowledge and understanding of Wicca, the Lady and Lord, and themselves. The Lessons below are only for Dedicants and above, but all that are truly interested, with an open heart and mind, are welcome to visit with us and join.
Witchcrawler - internetovy vyhledavac pro carodejnicke potreby
Avatar Search - Popularni okultni vyhledavac
Goddesses - archeomytologicky internetovy casopis, venovany bohynim a jejich soskam. Archeomytologie je moderni veda, ktera rika, ze archeologicke nalezy musime posuzovat s pomoci obou mozkovych hemisfer. Tzn. je treba uzit racionalniho usudku a prave tak i pocitu, intuice, vhledu z meditativnich stavu vedomi atd. Teprve pak se muzeme priblizit vyznamu, ktery pro nase davne predky mohly tyto predmety mit. Spousta zajimaveho cteni a dojimave fotografie!
Mondream - oslava Bohyne v mnoha vytvarnych formach. Obsahuje take hodne zajimavych linek, (mezi nimi i jednu na tvurci online kurzy zdarma). Pohanske utociste s recepty a navody na praci s bylinkami, kouzly aj..
Goddess Myths - stranky malirky nadhernych obrazu Bohyne Sandry Stantonove + legendy k jednotlivym bohynim a mnoho zajimavych linek
Okana - stranky v anglictine patri polske vyznavacce Bohyne. Tato stranka obsahuje mnoho linek i s odkazy na nektere slovanske a vychodoevropske tradice
Rusalia - kazdorocne po velikonocich zeny ve dvou srbskych vesnicich upadaji do ritualniho transu, rusalia, v nemz uctivaji Bohyni
Hrana Janto - stranka malirky caret Goddess Oracle, obsahuje jejich obrazy a dalsi obrazy Bohyni, mytologicke, detske dalsi ilustrace
Goddess 2000 a
Spiral Goddess - dve sesterske stranky, jedny z mych nejoblibenejsich, pokud se tyce tematu citliveho popularizovani novopohanstvi a nabozenstvi Velke Bohyne - opravdu citlive, esteticke, srozumitelne a hrejive. Take obsahuje mnoho vytvarne inspirace - jak vytvaret obrazy, sochy, nastenne malby a jina dila v tradici Bohyne...
Goddess mound - stranka autorky knihy In the footsteps of the Goddess . Svatyne Bohyne.
Blue roebuck - stranky patrici Bendis, jedne ze zakladajicich clenek fora Z. Budapest. Povidani o mnoha jednotlivych bohynich, ritualy, chat, "zenske veci". Rozhodne doporucuji! Budete zavedeni na jeji rozcestnik nekolika webringu, vsechny zajimave. Muj oblibeny je "Womyn's Mysteries".
Sacred source - internetovy obchod s vice nez 400 reprodukcemi oblibenych i mene znamych soch bohu a bohyni z celeho sveta
Living with our fertility - dest na vyprahlou pudu! Autorka hovori z dlouholete zkusenosti sve prace o prirodnich pristupech k zenske plodnosti, o menstruaci, o antikoncepci a dalsim.
Porod doma - rovnou na stranku pusobivych fotografii z porodu doma a stranky matky, ktera se deli o tento zazitek a mnoho zajimavych i praktickych myslenek na toto tema.
Awakened Woman - internetovy casopis zenske spirituality: oltare, invokace, clanky, forum
Goddess Pages - zalozeno anglickou vyznavackou Bohyne z Glastonbury. Obsahuje nekolik popisu bohyni, obrazky a dalsi zajimave linky - mezi nimi na nase stranky - kterym nikdo nerozumi! Take odkazy na stranky s fazemi mesice a casy vychodu a zapadu slunce.
Shrine of forgotten goddesses- uzasne zorganizovane "zapomenute" bohyne mnoha kultur, vcetne slovanskych a jinych nam povedomych,
Masky Bohyne a Samanske Divadlo - nazev rika hodne, velmi inspirujici - chce se mi vyvalet se v blate, cerne nalicit oci a zahalit se do vlajicich habitu...! Mimo jine doporucuji fotky pod tlacitkem Vizual scrapbook.
Triple moon - rozsahly internetovy obchod s veskerymi myslitelnymi potrebami pro carodejnice, najdete tu take forum a moje oblibene jsou pekne e- pohlednice na pohanska temata a to casto i s pohanskym zvukem - tim je minena e-hudba, maji plno krasnych klipu! Take udaje o FAZICH MESICE.

Tantra a sexualita
SkyDancing tantra CZ - autorka Bohyne take preklada a spoluvyucuje (anglicky ucitel John Hawken) kurzy tantry v Ceske Republice - skola Skydancing Institut podle Margot Anand.
SkyDancing UK - domovska organizace Johna Hawkena a ucitelky tantry Hilary Spenceleyove, anglicke SkyDancing, aneb co dela John, kdyz neni v Cechach!
Azogires.com - ... a kdyz John s Hankou nejsou v Cechach ani v Anglii, budou zrejme na Krete. Nase centrum na "tantricke dovolene" a jine kurzy osobniho rustu. Dejiste clanku Jeskyne!
Tantra.com - rozsahly zdroj informaci o tantre, posvatnem sexu a Kama Sutre.
Tantra.cz - nase sesterska organizace a stranky! Zalozeno Mangurim, informace v cestine o dalsich kurzech tantry Skydancing v Ceske Republice, citaty, forum (a fory!), tantricka inzerce a mnohe dalsi...
www.goddesstemple.com a
www.unveiled.net - dve sexy sestry! Spousta tantry a posvatneho sexu ve slove a fotografii, spousta bohyni krev a mliko. Kdyz rikam "posvatneho", myslim to vazne. Tyto stranky patri modernim knezkam lasky a posvatnym prostitutkam, ktere v krasnych, vkusnych fotografiich odhaluji divakum tajemstvi smyslnosti bozskeho zivota a nabizi sva "leciva sezeni". Citlive a intenzivni. Nezapomente, ze za posvatnou prostituci se take plati! (Unveiled.net)

Dalsi zajimave stranky v anglictine
Mesic - vysoce prakticka informace pro lunarne orientovane - kalendar fazi mesice, pro dnesek a mnoho let minulych i budoucich.
Grafika na tema pohanstvi, bohyne, carodejnice - gify, jpeg, pozadi, webdesign sety, ...
Hairfish - pohanska web grafika zdarma
Robin Wood - pohanska grafika ke stazeni
Stone Circle webring - seznam vice nez 250 ruznych stranek venovanych posvatnym kamenum - dolmeny, menhiry, kruhy a dalsi
Stoleti - projekt Century je chronologicka fotograficka serie zenskych aktu ve veku od narozeni az do sta let. Fotografovane zeny jsou "civilky"( ne profesionalni modelky), z nichz pro mnohe byl tento projekt lecenim jejich vztahu ke svemu telu. Fotografie jsou doprovazene komentari psanymi samotnymi zenami. Emocionalni, duchovni zazitek!
Velke zeny - Obezni akty. Umelecke fotografie krasnych silnych zen.
Znami muzi - Fotografie od tehoz autora - esteticke muzske akty s dusi